Windows 10: All Of Keyboard Shortcuts


Go from beginner to expert!!Why to learn how to use windows10 keyboard shortcuts?Learning how to use Windows10 keyboard shortcuts is an absolutely essential tool for anyone using windows10. It's time to improve your productivity, improve your career, and to save your time.Why is the course short?As you see this course is not so long because I took extreme care to make it as short as possible so you save your time and won't be bored, but in the same time it contains ALL what you need to know about Windows10 shortcuts.Who this course is for:ANYONE who uses with Window10 on a regular basis.Windows10 users who have basic skills but would like to become more proficient and productive.Anyone who is interested in discovering new secrets.At completion of this course, you will have mastered using Windows10 in the most efficient way and come away with confidence to complete many tasks with efficiency and grace. Here are just a few of the skills you will learn:Cycling using the keyboard instead of the mouse. Customizing the start menu using the keyboard. Opening apps and cycling between them. Lunching what you need without sing the mouse. Selecting text and moving cursor efficiently. Shutting down, restarting or putting the device to sleep. Renaming, deleting and controlling folders. Copying, cutting and pasting items and texts.Ready to become faster and more productive?Just press on the enroll button and start now.----I will be glad to hear your feedback, and I will update the course first by first to fulfill your wishes.



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