Microsoft Windows 10 Course: Apps And Multitasking


Have you ever seen a Juggler before?Well not actually him, but the thing that he is doing.He is juggling of course, so you can call him a juggler right? You sure can.But did you know that your a juggler without even knowing it?You may not be actually juggling physical things, but you may be juggling things like school, work, social life, kids, and so many other things.Just like a juggler you should give yourself a pat on the back because this is not an easy task. Go on.I'll wait...I'm sure when you open your Windows 10 computer, you have to juggle a lot of things as well.YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Google Websites, before you know it your desktop looks like a messy room.We can handle a messy room for a little while, but there will come a time where your going to say "let's actually clean this time".The sad part is that Windows 10 has built in tools to help you navigate through all the apps you open on the desktop, but not many people know about this.I can't help with your room, but i can give you the tips and tricks to help you organize your apps on your Windows 10 computer so at least your desktop can be organized.If your interested, enroll the course button to get better at juggling your favorite apps and cleaning up your messy Windows 10 desktop room.



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