FAA Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot HELICOPTER Ultimate Checkride Oral Exam Prep


Realistic Checkride Questions - Hundreds upon hundreds of realistic memory, analysis, and scenario type questions taken from practical test exit interviews, key FAA documents, and the combined experience of our editorial team of pilot examiners and flight instructors..Unlimited Study and Practice - At your own pace, on your own schedule.Free Lifetime Updates. Get acquainted with the material weeks or months before your checkride, study hard in the days leading up to it, and then brush up years afterwards..Hundreds of Charts and Figures - Illustrate key points and help you learn.Helicopter-specific information - Includes questions specific to the following common training helicopters: Robinson R22, Robinson R44, Schwizer S300C, Schwizer S300 CB/CBi..Current and valid for right now - As soon as you purchase and install this app, use the built-in update feature to get the latest and greatest content that we offer in mere moments. We regularly update the content to keep up with changes in practical test standards, FAA emphasis areas, and aviation technology..Thousands of Success Stories - Every year, thousands of pilots use RideReady to learn or brush up the material to make them confident and ready to pass their FAA checkrides. We invite you to be next!



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