Earth Angel Hosta
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Blue-green and cream, the Earth Angel is one of the largest blue-green and white variegated Hostas and is the first giant blue Hosta to have a border! The dramatic foliage will light up the dreary shady spots in your landscape! Earth Angel Hosta (Hosta 'Earth Angel') is a lovely variegated sport of the award-winning Blue Angel Hosta and is an impressive specimen with large heart-shaped, blue-green leaves with wide creamy margins! Hosta forms neat fountain-like mounds that are impressively easy to grow for even the most novice or busiest gardeners! Quilted and textured, it's so curious to watch water bead up on the waxy leaves of Hosta, turning a rainy day into something special. With pale lavender flowers appearing on 40-inch scapes in midsummer. Looking like long purple trumpets, these blooms attract a host of pollinators and Hummingbirds! This Hosta has high slug resistance and was chosen as the Hosta of the Year in 2009 by the American Hosta Society! This attractive variety can be somewhat slow-growing, but it will make a large mound when mature. A low-care herbaceous Perennial, Earth Angel may take its time but is long-lived, forming a vigorous grower, a good-sized clump with a plump, symmetrical habit throughout USDA growing zones 3 to 8! Planting and Application: Earth Angel is an outstanding specimen plant, covering a 3-4 foot wide area of the garden with amazingly impressive leaves! Like all Hosta, it is most at home in shady, woodland settings and works well as an accent or edging plant! Skirting trees with these lovely perennials will reciprocally benefit from the generous shade the trees provide. Large shrubs too will look immensely better having their bare stems hidden from view without the worry about roots interfering with each other! Perfect for shady Asian and Zen-inspired gardens, lending a cool and calming presence to areas for meditation and relaxation. In fact, any garden design looks more peaceful with a few Hostas! For a truly unique spectacle, an en masse planting of Earth Angel Hosta will highlight woodland edges and shady swaths in lush greenery. Create a memorial shade garden, or highlight garden sculptures and statues with a display of the Earth Angel with its parent plant Blue Angel, combined with its offspring the Guardian Angel Hosta! Divine! Contemporary plantings and informal Cottage gardens alike benefit from these large perennials. Borders look divine with long rows of Hosta, consequently so will your edging, along long beds, drives and shady paths. Large planters and containers in the dappled shade around your patio or even a shaded balcony will benefit from the graceful presence of these impressive plants. The cool coloration and eye-catching growth will decorate garden rooms with sculptural decor. Butterfly gardens, Cut flower gardens, and your Cottage gardens get a traditional look with the addition of a few of these curious perennials! Fringe your landscapes' shady hardscapes and ring pergolas or gazebos in cool, calming foliage. Add a garden bench and relax in your own private oasis! Large Heart-Shaped Leaves Blue-Green With Creamy White Margins Light Lavender Blooms Attract Hummingbirds & Pollinators Mounding Clump-Forming Growth Great Shade Garden and Edging Plant Award-Winning! #ProPlantTips for Care: Earth Angel's big blue-green leaves emerge in early spring and burst out of the ground year after year, just sparkling in the morning sun! High-filtered or dappled sunlight is necessary for clean, healthy growth, and the morning sun is preferred to dry the leaves of dew and helps intensify the leaf colors. But hot afternoon sun is stressful and damaging to these Perennials! Tolerant of dry shade, Hosta does best in filtered or dappled shade and part sun, tolerating the latter in cooler summer climates. Highly resistant to heat and humidity long as they're given adequate shade and moisture, especially throughout the hottest part of the growing season. Highly resistant to heat and humidity long as they're given adequate shade and moisture, especially throughout the hottest part of the growing season. This low-care perennial grows best in moist, well-drained, highly organic soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Sandy loam is better than clay because it provides more aeration for the roots. Though it's not particular on the type of soil, anything that is moist, well-drained. A generous layer of arborist mulch helps retain soil moisture as well as insulate the root system from heat and chill. Once frosts arrive, Hostas are an herbaceous perennial that dies back to the ground in the fall and emerges again in early spring. Be sure to remove dead leaf matter from the area to prevent overwintering of fungal issues. Be sure to remove dead leaf matter in the fall and remove it from the area to prevent overwintering of fungal issues. Divide every 3-5 years to maintain vigor. Full Shade to Partial Shade Moisture Loving Plant - Tolerates Dry Full Shade Once Established Well-Drained Enriched Soil Deadhead After Flowering Prune Late Fall Extremely Cold Hardiness & Humidity Tolerant Easy Care & Low Maintenance This gorgeous, giant blue-variegated Hosta will certainly be outstanding wherever it is planted! Your garden will be brightened on a large scale with the addition of an Earth Angel Hosta! Turning the dreary shady spots into dreamy ones! Order from Nature Hills Nursery today! Frequently Asked QuestionsDo Hostas need full sun or shade? Hosta does best in full sun in cooler climates but does appreciate afternoon protection from the worst of the summer sun, especially in the hottest of their growing zone range. In the hottest climates, Hosta like partial shade or dappled shade, and some varieties will do great in full shade. Where do Hostas grow best? Hosta plants love enriched, well-drained soil that is moderately yet consistently moist throughout the growing season. They appreciate mulched garden beds. Do Hostas come back every year? Are Hostas a perennial plant? With vigorous carefree growth, Hostas are herbaceous perennial plants that will return year after year with little maintenance. What do you do with Hostas in the fall? What do you do with Hostas in the winter? Hosta leaves will die back after frost but the crowns and roots remain intact and dormant until next spring. Prune back the leaves once they turn brown in the autumn and remove them from the plant's area. For winter protection, add a layer of compost or mulch over the crowns to protect them from the chill. Do Hosta attract hummingbirds or pollinators? Hostas are loved by pollinators and hummingbirds! All walks of beneficial pollinators will show up to sip their nectar. What Shipping Options Do You Offer? works closely with our growers and nursery professionals to ensure we ship when it is most appropriate for your area. Our goal is to deliver the hardiest plants by avoiding extreme high and low temperatures. Check out our shipping schedule for more information and to learn our wills and don'ts when it comes to shipping plants. Find your Hosta Plants for sale here at!


Nature Hills Nursery