Stretched Canvas Print: Wood Ibiss by John James Audubon: 54x40in


size: 54x40in Stretched Canvas Print: Wood Ibiss by John James Audubon: illustration, bird, birds of america, wood ibiss, museum, museum masters pod, landscape, water John Audubon (1785 - 1851), whose surname became synonymous with birds, produced a prolific body of work, including over 435 paintings of birds. America's dominant wildlife artist for half a century, Audubon's childhood fascination with birds extended into his adulthood, and he spent days and weeks on the frontier, amassing an enormous portfolio of life-size bird drawings. Reflecting his deep love of birds and his concern for conservation, the Audubon Society was established in his name in the late 1800s, years after his death. His work remains the standard against which 20th and 21st century bird artists are still measured.
