This genuine leather bag is equipped with a comfortable shoulder strap, adjustable and removable, so that your oneofakind vintage bag can be used as a shoulder bag or as a handbag in the office and in everyday life. Luxurious genuine leather of a pleasant color does not leave it unnoticed. This bag is an ideal option for business, office or study. Our bag made of genuine highquality leather is convincing as a stylish accessory A shoulder bag will fit any wardrobe and make the image harmonious;Status. Leather goods have always symbolized a good income and high status. With such an accessory, a man looks solid in any image;Practicality. The long strap of the bag does not interfere with the free movement of the body and does not burden the hands;Spaciousness and compactness. Due to its small size, the bag is able to accommodate all the necessary things. The carefully thoughtout design allows you to quickly remove any necessary item from the bag; The bag is completely handmade from highquality leather to create a highend look. Radiate confidence and style. It combines pure elegance, lightness and functionality. If you have any questions, please contact us