Are you an artist, collector, or cosplayer who needs/wants to get something made? We may be of service, we take commissions for original & replica props, items, & even some wearables. We can design original pieces, with or without references, aswell as create replicas from all forms of entertainment. We do 3d designing, printing, scratch building, foamsmithing & more ! weve brought to life masks for musicians, prop replicas for game companys, pieces for influencers, & hundreds of items for collectors & cosplayers... if you would like more information or to see more of our work you can head over to & you want to discuss a potential commissioned peice, send us a message or fill out a commission form here... LISTING & PRICE ARE PLACEHOLDERS ! don't buy this listing unless instructed to, price will vary depending on deadline, complexity, & desired quality Propmaking, 3D Printing, & Cosplay Commissions