18Th Century Dual Sided Intaglio Seal | Roman God Janus & Elegant Swan
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Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking forward & one looking backward, representing the past & the future. This dual nature highlights the concept of duality & balance. Swans, in some cultural contexts, also represent duality. They gracefully float on water while paddling vigorously beneath the surface, symbolizing the balance between external beauty & internal strength. Janus is the god of transitions & change, marking the beginning & end of cycles. Swans, too, symbolize transformation in various mythologies & folklore. The story of "The Ugly Duckling" is a well-known example of transformation, where a cygnet, initially thought to be an ugly duck, eventually grows into a beautiful swan. This transformation can be seen as a metaphor for personal growth & self-discovery. The production of steel improved during the 18th century, thanks to advancements in metallurgy & manufacturing techniques. The crucible steel process, developed by Benjamin Huntsman in England around 1740, allowed for the creation of higher-quality steel with fewer impurities. This development led to the production of more refined steel intaglios, which were highly sought after by consumers & collectors alike. 18Th Century Dual Sided Intaglio Seal | Roman God Janus & Elegant Swan

