Rare Monstera Peru - Green Galaxy Philodendron Karstenianum Epipremnum Marble Planet Easy Care Houseplant
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Monstera Peru Care Here are the basics of Monstera Peru care: Soil: Well-aerated that drains quickly Pot: Pot with adequate drainage holes is important Light: Bright, indirect light Water: Be very careful not to overwater Humidity: Moderate humidity (50-70%) Pruning: As needed to achieve desired look & size Soil The best soil for Monstera Peru is a light, barky, soil mixture. We recommend a high-quality indoor potting soil with orchid bark, & peat moss added. For bonus points, you can also add some perlite & worm casings. To make it easy on yourself, you can purchase a potting mix specially designed for Monstera. However, they are more expensive than a DIY soil mix. Fertilizer To fertilize your Monstera Peru, you should use a slow-release fertilizer. I recommend a fertilizer that is a balanced NPK with a good level of magnesium in it. Use one with organic nitrogen sources as the plant more easily uses those. If you use a fertilizer that isn't slow-release, be sure not to overdo it. This plant can easily be over-fertilized with a liquid fertilizer. Fertilize less in the winter. When your plant is dormant, salt from the fertilizer builds up in your plant's soil. The build-up of salt will burn your plant. Potting The Monstera Peru is easy-going when it comes to what pot or planter type you can use. They can be planted in a hanging basket & look fabulous if they're dangling down from a tall shelf. Planting your Peru in a floor pot or container (with good drainage, of course) will be a real treat when you add a moss pole or other structure for it to climb. Does Monstera Peru Like To Be Root Bound? No, the Monstera Peru (Monstera Karstenianum) does not like to be root bound. When rootbound, this plant won't get the water & nutrients that it needs to thrive. Your young plant may need to be repotted after the first year. After that, the M. Peru are low-maintenance plants & do not require repotting frequently. You may only need to repot every three years or so. When you do repot your plant, the new pot should only be slightly larger. If the roots have too much room, it could hinder your plant's growth. Sun/Light Requirements How much light does a Monstera Peru need? Like most tropical plants, light is an integral part of Monstera Peru. They grow under the dense rainforest canopy in nature, so the bright light is filtered when it gets to them. While this plant can handle a couple of hours of direct sunlight in the morning, too much bright direct light will damage it. Additionally, the more sunlight it gets, the more you'll have to water it. Pro tip: The more light your Monstera Peru gets, the more humidity it will need. A north-facing window will give it more sunlight without scorching its leaves. How to Water Monstera Peru Monstera Peru has thick leaves that store water (much like the leaves of a succulent). It won't need to be watered as often as other Monstera plants. This plant doesn't like to sit in soggy soil. As a general rule, you can expect to



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