Rose Quartz Crystal Heart Carving in Floating Display Case
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Item is 5"x 4.75"x .75" in case Crystal is 2" Item weight in case 4.3 ounces Item weight w/o case 3.0 ounces Description Rose Quartz is a highly favored & recognizable type of quartz for its soft pink coloring. It is also a very hardy stone, known to be among the toughest substances that exist. This variety of quartz is very common & found in abundance all over the world. Healing Properties Rose Quartz is often referred to as the "Love Stone" because of strong vibrations of love, joy, acceptance, & emotional healing. It is very helpful to believers when used in the home to heal relationships & bring unity. It works on the Heart, Higher Heart, & Thymus chakras, & when used regularly is said to improve all aspects of life. The information contained in this section is metaphysical in nature. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. Rose Quartz Crystal Heart Carving in Floating Display Case

