Green Double Headed Rainbow Dragon & Yin Yang Teal Fluorite Carving | 2 3/16" For Harmony, Balance, Unification, Understanding Oneness
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This listing is for a special piece featuring a double headed rainbow dragon & a yin yang symbol. It is carved from fluorite (not by me) featuring a teal-green-blue coloration, with some bands of purple. It measures 2 3/16" x 2 1/4" x 1/2" & weighs 2.75 ounces. Metaphysical Properties: All color of fluorite are known for being able to remove & transmute negative energy, as well as bringing order to chaos. Each color has its own unique qualities, but overall, fluorite is said to be an excellent tool to assist with decision making & clearing any mental fog. Many may find that it helps improve concentration, & helps to organize thoughts, especially during periods like Mercury Retrograde. Fluorite is also said to provide an energetic protection against negativity & assists with grounding excess energy. It can also help connect us to higher planes, for increased intuition & psychic ability & better discernment. It can be a beautiful marriage of rationality & intuition, allowing expanded consciousness & spiritual growth. Many practitioners also like to use this stone as it may open oneself to the frequency of other crystals & gemstones. It is recommended to routine energetically cleanse this stone. Fluorite should be kept out prolonged direct sunlight to avoid discoloration. As many people may know, the yin yang represents the duality of our world, & the harmony & interconnectedness of our lives. Like all things, it is continuously moving & transforming, as a reminder we should be as well. The rainbow dragon also symbolizes yin & yang aspects, as well as a unification of the Divine Feminine & Masculine aspects. Or in a more literal interpretation, the unification of male & female. Disclaimer: The metaphysical properties listed & crystal energy work are not substitutes for conventional medicine. Consult with your health care professional/practitioner for all health issues. The metaphysical properties provided (written or electronically) are a part of a spiritual belief, which you may or may not experience personally. CR4 Green Double Headed Rainbow Dragon & Yin Yang Teal Fluorite Carving | 2 3/16" For Harmony, Balance, Unification, Understanding Oneness

