Double Terminated Clear Wand With Golden Etched
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Top quality double terminated Quartz point. High grade Brazilian natural Quartz with beautiful laser engraved moon & stars in golden color. Hard to come by, but I've got a fresh batch from a wonderful friend supplier. The clarity of the Quartz plus the vibration energy are absolutely spectacular. I will intuitively pick, cleanse, & send your way a beautiful double terminated wand. All are very similar in size & weight. Weight approx.: 65 - 75 Grams Height approx.: 2.5" - 3.25", some are a little bit longer & thiner & others are shorter & thicker, but mostly very similar. Quartz (Clear) Key Words: programmability, amplification of one's intention, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement Element: Storm Chakras: All Quartz is by far the most versatile & multidimensional stone in the mineral realm. Three of its ket properties are energy amplification, programmability & memory. Unless most other stones, which carry certain relatively fixed properties. Clear Quartz can be programmed by one's focused intention to assist one in achieving virtually any goal in inner or outer life. Sitting meditation with a piece of Clear Quartz, one can visualize & imagine one's intention or desire outcome within the crystal, & this will have the effect of powerful psychic amplification. After such a session, or especially if one practices the same programming repeatedly with the same crystal, numerous inner & outer events will seem to conspire synchronistically to bring about the manifestation of one's wish. Clear Quartz is also a stone of Light, bringing heightened spiritual awareness to whoever wears, curries or meditate with it. It provides a clear corridor for the higher vibration frequencies of the realm of Spirit to be transmitted & translated into the world of physical form. Sleeping with Clear Quartz & enhance the vividness of dreams, & holding a Clear Quartz will often deepen one's experience of meditation. Clear Quartz can be used to amplify the energies of other stones or to blend & enhance the energies of groups of stones. This makes Clear Quartz the ideal 'base' material for energy tools such as wands, staffs, temples, etc. Clear Quartz crystals are also ideal for making 'energy grids'- patterned layout of crystals on the ground or floor, within which one can sit or lie in order to receive the energies generated by the combination of the Quartz & the geometric form of the grid. The energies of any other stones placed in the grid pattern will also be amplified by the Quartz. Clear Quartz can be used for almost any metaphysical purpose, including healing, consciousness expansion, chakra opening, communication with guides, past-life recall, inter-dimensional travel, polarity balancing, enhancement of meditation & dreaming, attracting & sending love, generating prosperity & just about anything else one might imagine. It can even program to increase the power of one's imagination. Individuals eager to use Clear Quartz

