9 | The Hermit Tarot Card Keychain Major Arcana Divination
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9 | The Hermit Tarot Card Keychain | Major Arcana | Divination The Major Arcana Tarot cards represent the life lessons, karmic influences & the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life & your soul's journey to enlightenment. The Major Arcana cards include 21 numbered cards & 1 unnumbered card (the Fool). The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana & makes his journey through each of the cards, meeting new teachers & learning new life lessons along the way, & eventually reaching the completion of his journey with the World card. This is known as the Fool's Journey & is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Major Arcana Tarot card meanings. The Hermit Keywords UPRIGHT: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance REVERSED: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal The Hermit Upright The Hermit shows that you are taking a break from everyday life to draw your energy & attention inward & find the answers you seek, deep within your soul. You realize that your most profound sense of truth & knowledge is within yourself & not in the distractions of the outside world. You leave behind the mundane to set off on a journey of self-discovery, led only by your inner wisdom & guiding light. Now is the perfect time to go on a weekend retreat or sacred pilgrimage, anything in which you can contemplate your motivations, personal values & principles, & get closer to your authentic self. The Hermit invites you to retreat into your private world & experience a deep sense of seclusion & introspection. You know that you need to take this journey alone or with a small, intimate group of spiritually minded people. When you allow yourself to tune in to your inner, guiding light, you will hear the answers you need & grow wise beyond your years. Find your light, shine it on your soul & create your unique path. You will see what lies ahead of you - not miles upon miles, but enough to know where to step next. From there, take one step at a time. The Hermit often appears when you are at a pivotal point in your life & considering a new direction. Through meditation, contemplation, & self-examination, you may begin to re-evaluate your personal goals & change your overall course. You will look at your life with a deeper, more spiritual understanding & a few of your priorities will change as a result. The Hermit also represents the desire to turn away from a consumerist or materialistic society to focus on your inner world. Have you ever seen (or read) Into the Wild? After graduating from university, top student & athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity & hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness alone. Whilst his story has a tragic ending, his journey into the wild was like that of The Hermit, who seeks answers within & knows they will come only with quiet & solitude. Finally, The Hermit may appear in your life as a spiritual mentor here to raise your vibration &



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