Bee Venom Powder | Pure 100Mg. Venom, Apitoxin, Melittinin, Quality


Bee Venom (Pure) Apitoxin. Used in skincare to reduce wrinkles effectively. Very Potent. Simply add a small amount of warm water & add to your favorite moisturizer. Commercial bee venom creams have very little amount of Bee Venom (0.01%). For beauty products the suggested recommendation is 0.5% of total weight of the contents of your cream or serum & 10% for compound cream as used for pain relief. Harvested September 2022. Expires 2 years after harvest date when left in a cool environment. Our bees are raised chemical-free & sustainably in an effort to curb & combat the decline of their populations. 100mg BV= 25g of cream OR 25mL for serum NOT intended for internal use Item is not FDA-approved MADE in TURKEY Bee Venom Powder | Pure 100Mg. Venom, Apitoxin, Melittinin, Quality



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