Pink Rainbows Quartz Clear Sphere Lodolite Garden Fire Inclusions 542G 19.1Oz 7cm 2.8In Inclusion Crystal 6
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A batch of exceptionally clear, quartz spheres, with a variety of unique inclusions. Each in the clearest Quartz, with well framed "windows" into the beautiful scene within. Dimensions: 542g 19.1oz 7cm 2.8in You will receive this exact piece. AHANA CRYSTALS are hand chosen, top grade pieces. Beautiful, natural variations may vary in color, inclusions, size, shape, weight, & more. Garden Quartz is Clear Quartz with other minerals inside (lodolite inclusions), which can include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite & many other minerals that are green, maroon, cream, orange, brown, & other colors. Looking into a great Garden Quartz Crystal you can get the peaceful sense you feel when you gaze upon a beautiful landscape scene. AHANA CRYSTALS sources the most beautiful, lovingly curated crystal specimens from all over the world, ethically & sustainably. From balanced, expertly chosen crystal kits, to highly aesthetic, collector grade specimens, AHANA CRYSTALS has the perfect crystals for your life & home. Pink Rainbows Quartz Clear Sphere Lodolite Garden Fire Inclusions 542G 19.1Oz 7cm 2.8In Inclusion Crystal 6

