Talisman For Swiftness, Recovery, & Willpower - Jabamiah Seere
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Jabamiah - He offers regeneration of the physical body as well as of troubled minds as well. He brings divine fruitfulness to all of your endeavors. This angel can help you to transform evil into good. He gives you a high level of receptiveness & the ability to love others under any circumstances. Seere - His office is to go & to come, & to bring all things to pass quickly, & to carry or recarry anything where the summoner will have it. He can traverse the world in the blink of an eye & relay accounts of all sorts of theft & hidden treasures & is indifferent of all other things. He is also good-natured, willing to do anything his summoner desires. Together - Gives the power of Swiftness, Recovery, & Willpower These unique talismans combine two popular groups of spirits used in modern magick, the Angels of the Shem HaMephorash & the Spirits (demons) of the Goetia, or Lesser Key of Solomon. There are 72 spirits in each group & they are paired. Some people will say that you can't work with angels & demons at the same time...nonsense! They're totally cool working with each other. in fact they tend to compliment each other's skills. If we were to liken them to character attributes from an RPG, angels would be wisdom & demons would be intelligence. It's all the same character, the same brain, just different functions. Angelic Seals come from Eliphas Levi's work, Seals of the 72 Geniuses. The verse to invoke them is written around the talisman in Latin. Demonic Seals come from Crowley & Mathers' version of The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. The Enn or calling for each spirit is written around the talisman in an unknown language. But remember, this is just a tool...YOU are the magick. It's there to help you focus, but you still need to do the internal & external mundane work to support your practice. You can buy all the best power tools in the world, but they aren't going to build a house for you. They can make it easier, faster, deeper, more intense etc. but at the end of the day the buck stops with you. Legal Disclaimer - This tool is not a substitute for medical or psychological intervention. - This tool does not claim to treat any medical condition. - This tool is for educational, spiritual, & entertainment purpose only. The Acoustic Alchemist accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on purchase/use. - You must be at least 18 years old to purchase from this shop. - The Acoustic Alchemist is not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using the products/services available on this site or its content. Talisman For Swiftness, Recovery, & Willpower - Jabamiah Seere

