2 Sauromatum Venosum - Voodoo Lily Tubers -1/8 Oz. To 1/16 Oz., 1" 3/4" Diameter | Arisaema Or Arum Cornutum
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(See our other listing with even larger bulbs.) You are buying 2 bulbs for this price. These are the easiest to grow & most cold hardy of all the Voodoo Lilies (Sauromatum) & a good starter plant for the beginner. Yet it grows to be quite a large & spectacular looking plant with an impressive sinister-looking flower. It also produces several offset bulbs each year that can be detached & grown on as new plants each Spring. These Voodoo Lilies look spectacular in the garden mixed with other plantings & seed around a bit & create clumps as offset bulbs detach & grow up. These plants recently went dormant & were freshly dug & dried for winter dormancy. Stunning foliage will emerge in late June & last until frost in fall. I harvest about a quarter of my plants for sale & leftovers are grown in pots until next fall. The rest I will leave in the ground all year. This is a very easy exotic & tropical-looking plant that will grow practically anywhere in the garden or in planters or pots. My wife thinks it looks like an evil plant, but I think it looks cool. It definitely has 3 seasons of interest & will baffle gardening friends as to its identity. First this purplish-black finger-like shoot emerges late spring. This becomes the fruiting body or spadix, which swells, & the outer skin divides off & forms a robe-like spathe around the spadix as it peals backwards into a cape that reveals an interior maroon surface jungle spotted with gold. Every web site claims it gives off a carrion-like smell for a day to attract pollinating flies. My plants smell exactly like horse manure for a day, which makes me wonder if it is a different variety. After pollination, a ball of blue-black berries form. Then a second shoot emerges from the bulb to form a 24" to 36" purple-spotted stem ending in a giant leaf that unfurls into approximately 8 to 12 segments tracing out a circle in the middle. This plant will last until the first frost. If you check the bulb at this point. you will find many offset bulbs that will become plants next fall, forming a nice clump of Voodoo Lilies. The seeds will also germinate outside occasionally. All of these plants are grown in zone 6a in New York State. Those that I harvest are moved to plastic bags containing slightly moist perlite & stored in a cool room or refrigerator. This way they are watched to see which are ready to be planted out in the spring and/or potted up. They will be shipped in the same plastic bags with perlite & can be refrigerated until you want to plant outside or pot it up. Do not put in freezer! Good drainage is important & if planted in a pot, I recommend a 50:50 mix of potting soil & perlite. Good shade plant. but will take a half day of sun. Extremely deer resistant. 2 Sauromatum Venosum - Voodoo Lily Tubers -1/8 Oz. To 1/16 Oz., 1" 3/4" Diameter | Arisaema Or Arum Cornutum

