Succulent Addict Houseplant Seed Collection | Winter Activities, Gift Ideas, Stocking Stuffer
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Get a collection of our Succulent Seeds! Ordering these seeds in collections saves you 10% compared to when you order each seed individually. Each order will give you the following: - 20 Beaucarnea Recurvata 'Ponytail Palm' Seeds - 10 Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose' Seeds - 20 Aloe Mix Seeds - 20 Lithops Mix Seeds - 20 Fenstraria Aurantica 'Baby Toes' Seeds - 1 main care sheet, + individual care sheets for each seed (Find more info on growing seeds by going to our seed guide) These seeds have been grown & produced in the United States by a credible grower. Store them in a cool, dark place when you're not using them. When you're ready to plant them, put them into moist soil in a bright & warm spot. Monitor their conditions & make sure the soil remains moist until the seeds sprout. Before long you will have your own little indoor jungle start to grow! If you have any issues at all with getting your seeds to sprout, please don't hesitate to reach out! I'd be happy to help guide you through creating the right conditions for the seeds. Succulent Addict Houseplant Seed Collection | Winter Activities, Gift Ideas, Stocking Stuffer

