Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Or Heat-Treated Citrine & Clear Quartz Pineapple Lamp | Roughly 7" Tall
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These cute lamps are made to look like pineapples. :) They are made with Rose Quartz tumbles, Heat-Treated Citrine tumbles, or raw Amethyst pieces & raw Clear Quartz points. They are attached to the lamp bases & have push button on/off switches. The lamps are about 7" tall give or take a little. Clear Quartz was prized for millennia as a worker of magic & a potent shamanic tool. Containing every color, Clear Quartz works on multi-dimensional levels of being. Generating electromagnetism & dispelling static electricity, it is an extremely powerful healing & energy amplifier. Absorbing, storing, releasing, & regulating energy, a Quartz crystal, when held, doubles your biomagnetic field. Working in a vibrational level attuned to specific requirements of the user, Quartz takes energy to the most perfect state possible, acting as a deep soul cleanser, & connects the physical dimension with the mind. Working like a cosmic computer, Quartz stores information & has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds. It enhances metaphysical abilities & attunes to spiritual purpose. Quartz can have an exceedingly high vibration according to type. It also harmonizes all chakras & aligns the aura. Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love & infinity peace & is the most important crystal for healing the heart chakra. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. Placed by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home, it supports an existing partnership, restoring harmony. Releasing unexpressed emotions & heartache & transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain, opening your heart so that you become receptive. If you have loved & lost, it comforts your grief. Rose Quartz teaches how to love yourself & encourages self-forgiveness & acceptance, invoking self-trust & self-worth. Excellent for trauma or crisis, Rose Quartz acts as a rescue remedy, providing reassurance & calm. This stone draws off negative energy & replaces it with loving vibes. Strengthening empathy & sensitivity & aiding the acceptance of necessary change, it is an excellent stone for midlife crisis. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations, the stone then reminding you of your intention. It is especially beneficial for the heart & higher heart chakras & is a high-vibration stone. Citrine is a powerful cleanser & re-generator that carries the power of the sun, & this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. Energizing & highly creative, it never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, & grounds energy & protects the environment. Encouraging sharing what one has, it imparts joy to all who behold it. A useful stone for smoothing group or family discord, Citrine reverses self-destructive behavior & assists in acting on constructive criticism. It promotes inner calm, allowing your natural wisdom to emerge, & helps you move into the flow of feelings & become emotionally balanced. You should also wear this in contact with your skin. It

