Carved Crystal Fairies
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These are carved crystal fairies. The light one is Indonesian Jasper & the dark one is Chalcedony. Each one is carved on both sides with two wings & stands independently. The Jasper fairy is 78mm & 40 grams. The Chalcedony Fairy is 78mm & 47 grams. Use this jasper as a touchstone for unconditional love. Give it to others as a token of this love. Here are some other ways to use this stone: Jasper is naturally grounding, so it can be used when you are feeling scattered & unfocused. It is a very healing stone physically, so this particular jasper can be used on the physical heart as an addition to other therapies. It a a gentle energy, so can be used really well with children. in a grid, it can be used to successfully ground the energy of unconditional love onto the planet. Chalcedony a translucent variety of quartz of various colors & waxy luster. Chalcedony has the power to soothe self-doubt & bring inner peace to the wearer. It is believed that blue chalcedony helps in calming & centering the emotional energy, while encouraging the wearer to acquire tranquility. Healing: This gem is best for people who have a propensity to get worried easily. Carved Crystal Fairies

