Natural Golden Hill Turquoise - Hand Cut Cabochon
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My dealer had a riker mount of very nice Golden Hills stones when I passed by this last gem show & this is one of the mid-sized ones I purchased. The hand-cut stone is unbacked...measuring 11.4x10.6mm at the longest & widest points of the cab. It seems to be a perfect size for a ring or even a more delicate pendant for summer wear. At 3.6mm deep, it is solid turquoise with no backing, so I think it is sturdy enough to use for most anything you are called to use it for. Looking at the stone reminds you of looking out the window with a few whispy clouds on a clear day. No wonder folks like turquoise from this mine! The Golden Hill Mine is fairly new... "coming out" in 2013/14. It is known for its very quiet blue & white coloring & has a reddish-brown matrix in the stones that have matrix. Natural Golden Hill Turquoise - Hand Cut Cabochon

