Complete Astrology Birth & Life Path Chart, Birh Birthday Gift, Chart
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Astrology Birth Chart & Life Path Your Natal & Life Path Chart explores in detail about the meaning behind all of your natal planets & their house & sign positions as well as interplanetary aspects with a focus on helping you elucidate you future direction & purpose in life. Average report consists of approximately 13 pages of detailed & insightful information that will help you understand "you" on deeper & spiritual level. IMPORTANT in order to receive your chart information you must provide us with: 1. Name 2. Date of birth 3. Birth time 4. Location Of Birth 5. Email address to send you your PDF Chart Exact times are needed to ensure accuracy Please provide this information in your notes when checking out. You can choose to have your chart emailed via PDF or choose to have your chart printed on beautiful thick card stock to be mailed directly to you along with a PDF copy to your email. Please message me with any questions you may have - Luna Complete Astrology Birth & Life Path Chart, Birh Birthday Gift, Chart

