strawberry Yogurt Grandiflora Portulaca Table Moss Rose Flower Plant
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CUTS: approximately count of 6 - 8 of 4 inches or longer ROOTED STARTER PLANT PLUGS: consists of approximately 6 - 7 small plants. They will between 2 - 3 inches or longer. PLANTS in 3 inch STARTER POT: count of approximately 10 - 12 well - rooted, well -established plants. This is recommended care according to my area and/or suggestions given to me by real customers. Every area has different temperatures, climates, soils, etc. You do YOUR research & find is what is best for YOUR area. These are just basic recommendations. RECOmmENDED CARE: Upon arrival, place plants in moist soil of peat Moss mix, garden soil mix, or sandy mix. DO NOT USE MULCH MIxED SOIL. Use well drained pot. DO NOT USE POTS WITHOUT DRAINAGE OR POTS WHICH ARE TOO THICK & DO NOT ALLOW SOIL TO DRY FAST OR it will create root rot. Water surface. DO NOT THOROUGHLY WATER. Wait to water until soil is dry. Keep it in a half sun/half shaded area for a couple of days to a week. Then it may be switched to full sun & wait to enjoy constant blooms. ExTRA INFO: This plant has large, double Ruffle petals of up to 1 - 1.5 inch blooms in ideal conditions. When they get long & leggy, the tips will keep blooming. The long stems will grow their own shoots & those tips will then bloom too. If they get to long, cut them to desired length & you may propagate them yourself. This plant loves the sun & needs the sun for constant, beautiful flowers from spring to fall. Needs little to no water. Dormant during winter. Cannot withstand temperatures of 30 degrees F or less. Shallow rooting system. They grow fast & look beautiful in hanging pots. DOES NOT PRODUCE SEEDS. ONLY GROWS THROUGH PROPAGATION. These plants can be without dirt & water for up to a week in favorable conditions & stay alive. Please contacts me if there is any questions or concerns. strawberry Yogurt Grandiflora Portulaca Table Moss Rose Flower Plant

