Polished Carnelian Agate Freeform From Madagascar | 2.6 lbs - Pc172
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Top-quality Carnelian agate freeform from Madagascar. This beautiful piece has rich golden-yellow to red-orange color & is hand polished to a smooth, highly reflective surface. Carnelian agate is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. Carnelian increases personal power & physical energy, gives courage, & boosts creativity & compassion. Mentally, Carnelian focuses analytical capabilities, & aids meditation by allowing deeper concentration & keeping out interrupting thoughts. It is useful in making decisions by keeping us focused on the here & now & not on past experiences. Carnelian calms anger & grounds you in reality, while keeping you aware of unconditional Love permeating the Universe. Carnelian encourages initiative & determination. Weight: 2.6 lbs, Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 5.5 inches Polished Carnelian Agate Freeform From Madagascar | 2.6 lbs - Pc172

