Coffea Arabica | Costa Rica 95 10 Seeds
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Coffea arabica Costa Rica 95 is a tree in the Rubiaceae family. Its native range is from Ethiopia to southern Sudan. Costa Rica 95 is a compact variety adapted to hot, tropical climates & acidic soils. It is a high-yield producer & has quality coffee beans. It can grow to around 25 feet tall. The leaves are shiny green with a fragrance. It prefers to grow in light shade with average water needs. Zones 10-11 Germination Soak seeds for 24 hours. Sow seeds 1/2" deep & lightly cover with a sandy medium. Keep moist in a bright spot. Do not cover with plastic but maintain a temperature around 65-75F. Germination is 60-180 days. Coffea Arabica | Costa Rica 95 10 Seeds

