The Snowy Forest - Pdf Digital Cross Stitch Pattern
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This is a PDF cross stitch pattern & is sent by email & Etsy message in 1/3 days from order. in the deep wood life goes on following natural & harmonic rhythms, the seasons dance in a continuous cycle & every moment is truly magical... but there is no moment more magical than the winter, with its gentle snow that falls on the meadows, trees & underbrush. in the Enchanted Forest hares run happy on white blanket, play hide & seek among the trees & sometimes leave sinking into the snow ... only to suddenly jump out & scare, as a joke, their playmates! A young girl watches them through the misted glass of her little wooden house... She decided to live in the middle of the forest, alone, surrounded by the animals & Mother Nature, & her life is really full of magic... But the bigger magic (that an good witch taught her) is to be able to transform herself! Yes, because the little girl is capable of becoming an hare herself, for run in the snow together with its companions of the wood & playing till she drop! The magic of becoming an hare had been taught her by a good witch, who could change herself into owl... & she learned this great magic from another good witch more older, an old woman-she-wolf who loved to stay on top of the cliffs, watching the moon & howling to it on clear nights. & maybe in some woods these good women still exist, & can teach their ancient tradition to those who want to learnit... Who knows where they live? We really can not know it... but if you want the company of the little girl-hare & the other sweet hares of the forest, you can stitch them & keep them next to you... Maybe they will reveal you some secret... The PDF file includes the cover, the colors summary & the pattern. The Snowy Forest - Pdf Digital Cross Stitch Pattern

