White Amphibole Mini Towers, Crystal Towers, Lemurian Tower, Angel Phantom Quartz Tower, Points
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These High Quality Brazilian White Amphibole Quartz towers are beautiful! They look magical with wisps of White feathery inclusions & feel so special! It is tough to capture this on camera. When you see these in person you will be so surprised at the magic within. When another Crystal or Mineral grows within another Crystal, you have a powerhouse of energy & vibes. These are full of the most positive vibes. The calming powers of the stone are a must for people who feel like they are aimlessly going from one path in life to another without any direction. If you're one of these people, the use of Amphibole Quartz will help ground you & harmonize all the haywire forces within you on a deep level so that you can find peace & comfort in your own self. These are mini towers. This is as large as we are able to have these towers carved because this Crystal is very rare & doesn't grow in a large Crystal form. It only grows in Brazil. These are a one of a kind piece & full of amazing vibes. Grab them while you can because we are unable to find more right now due to their rarity. They are a bit pricey but we still wanted to be able to offer them to those who really need them!! (We have matching Orange Amphibole Towers in a different ad) Another name that is given to the crystal is Angel Phantom Quartz, which is a reference to the "phantoms" that appear in the crystal due to the amalgamation of various kinds of minerals. Measurements taken are height x thickness Many of these babies have little chippies on the edges or on the tips. Some are not perfect but it does not effect how sweet & magical these are Please keep in mind these are mini towers 1) .96" x .69" 2) 1" x .63" 3) 1.03" x .53" Lemurian cut 4) 1.1" x .63" a couple rough areas in the cut where the Amphibole are 5) 1.11" x .63" Lemurian cut 6) 1.15" x .63" 7) 1.18" x .52" 8) 1.18" x .38" Lemurian cut, 9) 1.24" x .65" area of Golden Healer 10) 1.24" x .56" 11) 1.25" x .49" 12) 1.30" x .45" areas of Red Hematoid 13) 1.35" x .49" Some Crystal Glitter inclusions 14) 1.40" x .39" Lemurian Cut 15) 1.59" x .48" Lemurian cut, Some Crystal Glitter inclusions 16) 2" x .45" These babies have such special cuts. Some have Left and/or Right time links, others have Goddess faces & others have Diamond windows. So special Amphibole is an excellent crystal to use with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras, as it enables us to gain a stronger connection to the Angelic realm, & serves as a conduit to our. This protective, high-vibration stone increases our awareness of the spiritual realm, past-life recall, & lucid dreaming. Each mineral that makes us the stone plays its own distinct role in the overall energy exuded from the rock. This means that the properties of each of the minerals will be amplified & vibrated across the auric field surrounding the stone. Apart from the very visible phantoms, the clear areas that are often seen in Amphibole Quartz are meant to bring clarity into your life as well. White Amphibole Mini

