32 Gloomhaven Monster Standee 5 Condition Hd V2 Black Ratcheting Dial Bases 18 Life Silver & Gold - Frosthaven, Jaws Of The Lion


Gloomhaven / Frosthaven/ Jaws of the Lion Monster Standee High Definition Version 2 Black Ratcheting Dial Bases with Slots for 5 Conditions & 18 Life Dial with 10 modifiers up to 54 Life & More, a better option for some vision impairments Here are my new & improved Version 2 Monster Standee Ratcheting Dial Monster Standee Bases with High Definition / More Visible & Legible Numbers for Gloomhaven, Forgotten Circles, Jaws of the Lion, & Frosthaven in BLACK for a darker more metal look. This monster standee rotatable dial base features one slot in the back for the monster, 5 slots in front for condition tokens / status effects, a rotatable dial base with 18 life clicking at the base for tracking monster life, & optional reversible Plus Life Tokens to add another time or two or more around the dial for an addition of 18 or 36 more life totaling in a possible 54 Life. NO DICE NEEDED! This extra space can even help if you want to run the extra innate condition tokens(innate shield, retaliate, curse, pierce tokens or hold things like Doom Tokens or Plus Life Tokens. The new version is easier to read, easier to hold, has better grip on the monsters, & a more hefty bases. These Gloomhaven inspired Monster Standee Dial Bases are 3D Printed in PLA & are perfect for your game! They are designed to be compatible with the included condition tokens or the upgraded MMM Double-sided Condition Tokens https://www.etsy.com/listing/883285389 If are looking for the flying lifts for flying monsters they are here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/900186289 Included: 18 x white / black bases for regular monsters 14 x yellow / black bases for elite monsters or 18 x silver / black bases for regular monsters 14 x gold / black bases for elite monsters or if you opt for a 3rd color 18 x white / black bases for regular monsters 10 x yellow / black bases for elite monsters 4 x red, blue, green, or purple / black bases for bosses, summons, & or ally characters or 18 x silver / black bases for regular monsters 10 x gold / black bases for elite monsters 4 x red, blue, green, or purple / black bases for bosses, summons, & or ally characters & If you add Plus Life Tokens 10 x reversible Plus Life Tokens (1 white side = +18 life & 1 yellow side = +36 life) This allows you to turn the dial around up to 3 times giving you possible 54 Life Stand no dice needed. If you add Summon Tokens 10 x Double-sided Summon Tokens (Black Summon Symbol) This allows you to track which monsters are summons for original Glloomhaven if you are excluding the summoned monsters from dropping coins. Big things to remember: - These Gloomhaven / Frosthaven HD V2 Monster Standee Ratcheting 5 Condition Dial Bases are printed in PLA. - These Gloomhaven / Frosthaven HD V2 Monster Standee Ratcheting 5 Condition Dial Bases are 3D printed on a PRUSA I3 MK3S Printer or PRUSA MINI 3D Printer. - These Gloomhaven / Frosthaven HD V2 Monster Standee Ratcheting 5 Condition Dial Bases are designed to work with the original game

