Fireflies in The Garden Perfume - Honeysuckle, Buttonbush, Summersweet, Holboellia, Fresh Cut Clovergrass
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A balmy summer evening redolent with honeysuckle, buttonbush, summersweet & Holboellia blossoms floating on green waves of fresh cut clovergrass. The firefly wakens, waken thou with me. Now droops the milk-white peacock like a ghost, & like a ghost she glimmers on to me. Now lies the Earth all Danae to the stars, & all thy heart lies open unto me. Now slides the silent meteor on, & leaves A shining furrow, as thy thoughts, in me. Now folds the lily all her sweetness up, & slips into the bosom of the lake. So fold thyself, my dearest, thou, & slip Into my bosom & be lost in me. - Alfred Lord Tennyson Art: Edmund Dulac Fireflies in The Garden Perfume - Honeysuckle, Buttonbush, Summersweet, Holboellia, Fresh Cut Clovergrass

