Clear Quartz Pendulum With 7 Chakra Stones
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Quartz is the "Master Healer" & "Stone of Power!" Quartz has a very high vibration that amplifies & purifies our energy & intentions. It raises consciousness towards enlightenment & cleanses us on every level. It is the most powerful healing stone in the crystal kingdom because of its unique helical spiral formation. It's clarity is created from every color of the rainbow enabling it to assist us with any mental, spiritual & physical ailment that prevents us from being the best version of ourselves. It also possesses the wonderful ability to amplify any other crystal it is near enhancing that crystal's energy & vibration! Chakras: All Chakras Astrological Signs: Leo, Gemini & Capricorn Element: Spirit Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing & inner growth. Pendulums promote healing with the process of Dowsing which seeks out invisible energies. This connects people to higher energies spiritually & can help locate any blocks in energy. They are used as a form of reflection by asking questions to receive guidance, awareness, & understanding. Balancing one's chakras is also possible with pendulums, as pendulums tend to pick up on subtle vibrations to clear the body & balance mind, body, & spirit. Before you use your pendulum, you should cleanse it & charge it with your own energy. To charge with your own energy hold in your closed hands for 10-15 minutes sitting quietly with your eyes closed focusing your energy on the pendulum. You can also say a blessing, pray or ask your spiritual guide for support & guidance. Clear Quartz Pendulum With 7 Chakra Stones

