Mexican Dreamsicle Calcite Display Specimen With Wood Stand - "The Sunrise"
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CALCITE LORE Calcite crystals help to clear negative energy & bring an increase in the good vibrations present. There is a type or color of this crystal that will work at every chakra. They are also extremely beneficial on the spiritual level, & they stimulate spiritual growth & can assist you with developing psychic gifts, but this varies according to the variety & color. They are wonderful healing crystals for you to make part of your life as they have quite powerful attributes & are very easy to use, & are are strong energy amplifiers. By simply holding one in your hand, you can create an amazing flow of energy through your body. The list of different varieties & range of colors of this crystal is quite long. Whatever color you choose, these stones are excellent assets to have present in your home, business or in your healing area, as they are well known to assist you to cleanse your environment. All colors are helpful, as they are powerful amplifiers & cleansers, particularly of the emotions. These stones are one of the most abundant types of crystal found on the planet, & there is a some of this stone found in many continents of the world. It is also found mixed with other stones, or you may find other minerals as inclusions in these stones. Large deposits of this stone are found in Mexico, & this is where many of the range of bright colored crystals come from. A type called Himalayan Ice Calcite forms at high altitudes & is found in the same areas as Himalayan Ice Quartz. Crystals in this family with strong metaphysical attributes are often found in the USA. They are also found in a number of other locations around the globe including Britain, Belgium, Iceland, Romania, Slovakia & the Czech Republic. The basic make up of this mineral is calcium carbonate, & it forms in water. It is one of the constituents that make up a large number of sedimentary rocks, including limestone & marble. These crystals are commonly quite soft & frequently have a lovely shiny look to them. They may be transparent or opaque, & many have bands of mixed colors. They also have an unusual feel to them, which some people describe as soapy or waxy, & their texture is a little different to other crystals. The meaning of the name this stone comes from the German word Calcit. This term came into use in the nineteenth century & it was related to a latin word 'chalix' meaning lime. The 'e' was added later as to conform with naming of minerals. These crystals are recognized for their action to clear blockages & to aid the removal of negative energy from the body, & they assist with the elimination of sluggish energy. They are excellent to stimulate mental energy, which may improve your memory, & calcite crystals are known to help you to let go of the past & to step forward into the future. By their action to connect the emotional body with the mental body, they help to incorporate heart based thinking into your everyday thinking. They are helpful when you are learning new

