Large Holographic Tetrahedron Starbrary Ice Clear Quartz Cluster Water Rare Crystal Crystals Big Huge Family Counseling Therapy
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would be great for someone doing family Counseling or for a teacher's room. Large Holographic Tetrahedron Starbrary Ice Clear Quartz Cluster Water Clear Rare Crystal Crystals 4" tall x 2.5" wide( at base) 154.1 grams Has 7 points & one missing point at the base. Very clear with classic holographic tetrahedron star markings. Termed "holographic tetrahedron" by Michael Rosenthal through doing a few meditations with the crystals. These are really special Starbraries. They come out of the ground like this. No scrubbing or bathing required. Corinto MG Brazil Clear Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying & enhancing the body's internal structure & surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity & stimulates positive thoughts & feelings in its place. With a better perception of the world, Quartz increases awareness & clarity in thinking, & provides enhanced energy, perseverance & patience, teaching one to live, laugh & love with all of humanity. Quartz crystal is valued for its piezoelectric & pyroelectric properties, by which it can transform mechanical pressure or heat into electromagnetic energy, & vice versa. Its ability to focus, amplify, store & transform energy is used throughout the technology world in ultrasound devices, watches, microphones, radio transmitters & receivers, memory chips in computers & other electronic circuitry. [Raphaell, 10-11][Simmons, 317][Melody, 503] The same properties of energy amplification, programmability & memory also make Clear Quartz the most versatile & multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom for healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love or prosperity, or virtually any purpose. However, with this power comes responsibility. To benefit from Rock Crystal's blessings, one must feel in harmony with it & deserve its gifts. Intent other than for good inevitably brings harm back on oneself. [Simmons, 318][Megemont, 73] Clear Quartz is excellent for amplifying the energies of other stones or to enhance groups of stones, & is ideal for gridding. It is the perfect base material for wands, staffs, templates, etc., & clear crystal spheres have long been used for crystal gazing. [Simmons, 318] For ongoing personal energy, carry Clear Quartz as a tumblestone or touch as needed for an instant lift. Add Quartz crystals to bath water, or make an elixir to drink or splash on pulse points by soaking Clear Quartz crystals in water from first light to midday. in the workplace, use as a filter against negativity & to transform critical words. [Eason, 133] Crystals are professional support stones for artists, stylists, doctors & healers, inventors, musicians, & those who work in media. [Mella, 129-132] Clear Quartz produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the aura. It dispels static electricity, & cancels out the harmful effects of

