White Rose Bridal Bouquet, Bridesmaid Wedding Matching Boutonniere, Baby's Breath Bouquet


A spinoff from our best selling baby's breath bouquets (see link below), These absolutely beautiful, realistic looking roses with eucalyptus & baby's breath make a perfect bridal or bridesmaid bouquet with matching boutonniere. Pick the wrap color of your choice. These bouquets will pair up nicely with our baby's breath bouquet: https://www.etsy.com/listing/868337413/artificial-babys-breath-bouquet?ref=listings_manager_grid MEASURES: There are three bouquet size options; 12 inch diameter (19 roses - photo not shown), 10 inch diameter (11 roses), 7 inch diameter (6 roses) & 5 inch diameter (3 roses) PROCESSING TIME: It could take 1-2 weeks to ship. Please feel free to reach out to me if expedited processing is necessary, as we will do our best to meet your deadline. ORDER INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Choose your stem wrap. 2) Choose your options (bouquets and/or boutonnieres) 3) in the "Notes to Seller" box at check out, please include your event date White Rose Bridal Bouquet, Bridesmaid Wedding Matching Boutonniere, Baby's Breath Bouquet



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