Myriad Melodies' Professionally Tuned .25 Angel Tuners Set Of 3 - Jacob's Ladder, Pillar Light, Stairway To Heaven
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Myriad Melodies' Angel Tuner Set represents the theological & archetypal energies of Jacob's Ladder, the Pillar of Light, & the Stairway to Heaven, & are believed to connect us with the angelic realms, uniting heaven & earth. As we explore these concepts, the inherent intelligence of consciousness can move us through psychological journeys that can be transformative. There is an option to select a Premium Crystal Point by using the drop down menu. Please, check the product photos to review the selection. You may add one Amethyst, Clear Quartz, or Smokey Quartz Crystal Point, or you can select the 3pc Crystal Point Set & one of each variety will be included with your order. This set of tuning forks is professionally tuned to be accurate within .25 - .50% of the tuning fork frequency. This set of tuners is a perfect addition to those who also practice energy healing, meditation, & yoga, as our energy systems are based on a continuum of energy that unites both high & low, both heaven & earth. The angel tuners can harmonize us with our higher selves, unlocking our creativity, vision, & inspiration. Using them within a group is a great way to connect with each other for practices, healings, & spiritual exercises. 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz, & 4225 Hz are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. Two base tones played together create a third tone, & those three tones can create three higher harmonics & three lower harmonics, resulting in a total of nine simultaneous tones. The 4096 Hz tuning fork is a must have tool when working with crystals in any way, making it a great stand alone sound instrument. 4096hz amplifies the power of crystals through sonic vibration, clearing & enhancing the crystal's proficiency & its effectiveness. This purchase comes with a 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz, & 4225 Hz tuning fork, each with its own striker & carry bag. The angel tuning forks produce a beautiful, higher pitched tone. High frequency vibrations are used in technology because they can carry large amounts of information & also penetrate through matter. A low frequency vibration could go undetected as a background noise, but a higher tone is immediately recognized by the mind. The energy of the tone produced by the angel tuners makes its presence known. You can use this type of sound to call upon different levels of consciousness, from within or without, based on how you understand them to be. Each thought & feeling we have is reflected in the aura or biofield & can be measured with equipment like the EKG. The application of different vibrations in conjunction with the thought-waves & emotion-waves, can help to condition the mind & body or fortify them around a particular idea or belief. Vibration could also help to diffuse an unhelpful thought or emotional patterns or call attention to the higher levels of the psyche to help change or reprogram the mind. The word Angel can be interpreted in many ways, for example, Ang is associated with the heart, & the word also spells

