Chocolate Lily, Lillium Lanceolata Spp. Affinis | Sw Washington Origin
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Chocolate lily, Fritillaria lanceolata spp affinis, SW Washington origin. Beautiful bell shaped nodding mottled brown & yellow flowers in Spring, dormant in summer/fall. Full sun to partial shade. Pacific Northwest Native Flower Seeds require 90 days cold moist stratification. Best to plant August through December in most temperate climates. See the USDA native plant propagation protocol database for more detailed information. Seeds planted at other times of year or outside of the Pacific Northwest may need to be artificially stratified. May not germinate the same year planted if not planted in the fall. Protect seeds from insect, rodent & bird predators. Protect seedlings from slugs. These are slow growing & will take several years to reach blooming stage. Seeds have been harvested from wild stock within 1 year of sale & stored cool & dry. Bulbs do not tolerate drying out, plant immediately or keep moist away from light. Refrigeration may cause bulbs to alter their emergence cycle & is not recommended. Bulbs are susceptible to predation from rodents & squirrels, protect with chicken wire or hardware cloth until established. Bulbs available Late August - November, sorry no pre-orders. 1 yr bulb "rice bulb" about 0.2 X 0.5cm 2 yr bulb 0.3-4 cm X 0.5 cm 3 yr bulb > 0.4 X 0.5cm 3 yr plant in 2-4" pot 4+ yr plant in 3+" pot - will or has bloomed Chocolate Lily, Lillium Lanceolata Spp. Affinis | Sw Washington Origin

