The Wedding Feast At Cana - Handmade Wood, Holy Card On Plaque
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FEDEx FASTER & SAFER LINK BELOW FASTER & AFER BY FEDEx LINK BELOW The Wedding Feast at Cana - The Wedding at Cana - Handmade wood, Holy card on plaque in The Wedding Feast at Cana (1563), Paolo Veronese depicts the New Testament story of the Marriage at Cana within the historical context of the Renaissance in the 16th century. in the Gospel of John, the story of the first Christian miracle, Mary, her son, Jesus of Nazareth, & some of his Apostles, attend a wedding in Cana, a city in Galilee. in the course of the wedding banquet, the supply of wine was depleted; at Mary's request, Jesus commanded the house servants to fill stone jugs with water, which he then transformed into wine (John 2:1-11). The banquet The Wedding Feast at Cana represents the water-into-wine miracle of Jesus in the grand style of the sumptuous feasts of food & music that were characteristic of 16th-century Venetian society; the sacred in & among the profane world where "banquet dishes not only signify wealth, power, & sophistication, but transfer those properties directly into the individual diner. An exquisite dish makes the eater exquisite." The musicians providing ambience for The Wedding Feast at Cana (1563) are personified by Veronese (viola da braccio), & the principal painters of the Venetian school: Jacopo Bassano (cornetto), Tintoretto (viola da braccio) & Titian (violone); standing beside Titian is the poet Pietro Aretino. (detail, lower centre-plane) The banquet scene is framed with Greek & Roman architecture from Classical Antiquity & from the Renaissance, Veronese's contemporary era. The Græco-Roman architecture features Doric order & Corinthian order columns surrounding a courtyard that is enclosed with a low balustrade; in the distance, beyond the courtyard, there is an arcaded tower, by the architect Andrea Palladio. in the foreground, musicians play stringed instruments of the Late-Renaissance, such as the lute, the violone, & the viola da gamba. Among the wedding guests are historical personages, such as the monarchs Eleanor of Austria, Francis I of France, & Mary I of England, Suleiman the Magnificent, tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire, & the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V; the poetess Vittoria Colonna, the diplomat Marcantonio Barbaro, & the architect Daniele Barbaro; the noblewoman Giulia Gonzaga & Cardinal Pole, the last Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, the master jester Triboulet & the Ottoman statesman Sokollu Mehmet Paşa all dressed in the sumptuous Occidental & Oriental fashions alla Turca popular in the Renaissance. According to 17th-century legend & artistic tradition, the painter of the picture (Paolo Veronese) included himself in the banquet scene, as the musician in a white tunic, who is playing a viola da braccio. Accompanying Veronese are the principal painters of the Venetian school: Jacopo Bassano,

