Contact Your Spirit Guides/Medium Oil/ Psychic Oil, Conjure White Candle Set(5 & Bottle Of 10 Matches.salt/
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1. White candles aid in helping you connect with your spirit guides bringing about spiritual enlightenment. Very Powerful color for clairvoyance & enlightenment. Beneficial for healing & protection. 2. The powerful blend of herbs & oil to encourage contact with your spirit guides. This oil allows the doorway to open up between both so contact can be made. 3. Ritually charged matches to light your candles. 4. Bottle of Salt Instructions I like to use this as I'm bathing. My guides & ancestors come through easily during this time. There is something about being immersed in water, it being a very strong conduit, gateway for spiritual contact, that that is the way I use this. 1. Draw your bath water. As warm as possible. 2. Add 3-4 drops of the oil to the tub. 3. Anoint a candle & wipe down. 4. Add a pinch of salt to your bath water & draw a small ring around your anointed candle. 5. Burn one of the incense provided. 6. Light your candle & step into your bath. 7. Meditate & call upon those who you wish to make contact with. They may speak to you during this time, move things, give you signs or they may come during your dreams. Free gift with every purchase. Thank you Blessings~ Contact Your Spirit Guides/Medium Oil/ Psychic Oil, Conjure White Candle Set(5 & Bottle Of 10 Matches.salt/

