Kanye West Runaway | Prints & Canvas From Hand Oil Painting
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This is a fine art reproduction of the original Kanye West Runaway oil painting. Hand painted modern edgy stylizations give a new perspective on the music legend! This is of the highest quality with bold painterly strokes that captures the attention of the room & is a great piece for any Kanye West fan! Premium Paper Prints: Premium Archival Smooth Matte Fine Art Paper (230 gsm) Premium Archival Matte Paper is a smooth, neutral-white, matte paper for high-quality fine art The paper supports accurate color reproduction & high-contrast, high-resolution output, & is acid-free for a longer print life with pigment inks It features a heavy weight (230 gsm), & an instant-dry coating that resists fingerprints & smudging Stretched Canvas Prints: Bright, vivid, amazing colors will resist fading for over 100 years to help these canvas prints last for generations. Printed on a thick archival grade, poly-cotton blend canvas to provide greater durability. The canvas is pH neutral & acid free & will not yellow over time. The bright white canvas will support dazzling colors that are consistent & accurate across a wide gamut. .75" deep Kanye West Runaway | Prints & Canvas From Hand Oil Painting



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