Gnome Crocheted Fidget Blanket | Washable L Sensory Lap For Adults Busy Alzheimers Patients Dementia Brain Injury
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Gnome blue Crocheted Fidget Lap Blanket (Busy Blanket) Used by Alzheimers, Dementia or Brain Trauma Patients. Attachments to keep restless fingers busy, touching & playing with the items. Common Items & Textures help to elicit curiosity, memories or awareness in these patients. 23 inches wide x 19 inches high The dimensions provide for comfortable placement on the knees of an adult. Please let us know if you have favorite items that you would like us to incorporate in a special fidget blanket for your loved one.§ion_id=31087728 Happy Shopping! Heidi Gnome Crocheted Fidget Blanket | Washable L Sensory Lap For Adults Busy Alzheimers Patients Dementia Brain Injury

