Clear Quartz Tumbled Crystal
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Transparent Quartz, tumbled. Original from Brazil. 4 cms (about 1.5 inches) in average. A bookmark, with brief description, uses, & suggested affirmations related to the crystal is included. FROM MY SACRED SPACE TO YOURS: Each product you order goes through a ritual of cleansing & blessing before it walks out my door. As with everything created by Mother Nature, each specimen is one of a kind. Please allow subtle variations in size, or shape. Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the surface of the Earth. It is one of the main components of the crust as well as the most stable in its physical & chemical aspects. Quartz resists weathering, & it is on the high end of the hardness scale. Given these properties, it is safe to understand why Clear Quartz pairs well with all chakras & crystals. Clear Quartz cleanses & enhances the intrinsic properties of other crystals. It has similar properties with the spiritual body, clearing it from negative energies & helping restore balance in the chakras & in body, mind & Spirit. For this reason it is considered a "Master Healer" among crystals. TIP: Quartz is perfect for any beginner in crystals & is a safe choice when we are not sure which crystal to use in our rituals. Clear Quartz Tumbled Crystal

