Large Lemurian Quartz Crystal For Spiritual Work & Unconditional Love - Seed Crystal
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This listing is for the photographed Lemurian Quartz Crystal! This piece is gorgeous with those famous Lemurian "stairs" (lines) running through it. There are even a few rainbows that were hard to capture on camera. This beauty comes smudged, anointed, & charged during meditation. All orders come with a crystal gift. This piece is about 6.75" x 3.6" x 3.1". It weighs 924 grams or 2 lbs .6 oz. Lemurians are crystals that are said to have been left by the advanced ancient civilation of the Lemurians to teach & guide us in this time. These crystals are said to have been programmed in their own formation with conscious connection & love. Lemurians hold & transmit messages of unconditional love, equality, & spiritual teachings. Lemurian Seed Crystals are also great for dream work & dream interpretation, particularly revealing potentials & actuality of spiritual growth that occurs in dreams. Lemurians have a very Yin or feminine energy, & for all their high power are more gentle-feeling energetically than typical Yang/masculine crystals, even when they have Yang clarity. They are very powerful tools for meditation & for healing on all levels. They are excellent for clearing & balancing all chakras. Large Lemurian Quartz Crystal For Spiritual Work & Unconditional Love - Seed Crystal

