1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery New Baby Girl Bouquet Pink Roses W/ Vase & Elephant Plush


Welcome a sweet baby girl with a charming gift of blooms. Choose from pretty pink roses or a mixed pink- and- white bouquet. Each one is gathered in a vase decorated with adorable pink hearts, the perfect keepsake for celebrating all the love and joy she's brought into everyone's life. (Hint: a beautiful surprise for showering the mom- to- be or decorating her special day as table centerpieces). | Welcome a sweet baby girl with a charming gift of blooms. Choose from pretty pink roses or a mixed pink- and- white bouquet. Each one is gathered in a vase decorated with adorable pink hearts, the perfect keepsake for celebrating all the love and joy she's brought into everyone's life. (Hint: a beautiful surprise for showering the mom- to- be or decorating her special day as table centerpieces).Your choice of bouquet12 pink roses (Shades of pink may vary)Bouquet of pink roses, white carnations, and pink & white alstroemeriaFlowers arrive with a cream- colored ceramic cylinder vase with pink heart pattern; measures 8" H x 4" D | 1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery New Baby Girl Bouquet Pink Roses W/ Vase & Elephant Plush



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