Fa-Fa-Fabulous Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora
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Bring the outdoors in with this forest-inspired bouquet of white roses and winter greens in a soft white glass cube. White roses, white spray roses, miniature white carnations and variegated holly are accented with dusty miller, white pine and noble fir. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash cube. White roses, white spray roses, miniature white carnations and variegated holly are accented with dusty miller, white pine and noble fir. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash cube. White roses, white spray roses, miniature white carnations and variegated holly are accented with dusty miller, white pine and noble fir. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash cube. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Twr16-1A - Fa-Fa-Fabulous Bouquet - White - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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