Multi-Colored | Fabulous Fall Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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Natural amber comes in every shade of gold - and this striking display of fresh spray roses in autumn's favorite hues of gold and orange, accented with a few oak leaves, is perfectly precious! A lovely pick-me-up for a crisp fall day. Yellow, orange and light-orange spray roses - accented with preserved oak leaves and lemon leaf - are delivered in a sparkling orange Serendipity vase. Yellow, orange and light-orange spray roses - accented with preserved oak leaves and lemon leaf - are delivered in a sparkling orange Serendipity vase. Yellow, orange and light-orange spray roses - accented with preserved oak leaves and lemon leaf - are delivered in a sparkling orange Serendipity vase. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Tfl02-3A - Fabulous Fall Roses - Gold - Flower Delivery, Deluxe Arrangement



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