Send Sunshine Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Yellow | Teleflora
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Send a sweet ray of sunshine someone's way with this cheerful yellow bouquet, artfully arranged in a vintage-inspired glass cube. Yellow spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, green carnations, miniature yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with grevillea and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Vintage Butterfly Cube. Yellow spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, green carnations, miniature yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with grevillea and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Vintage Butterfly Cube. Yellow spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, green carnations, miniature yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with grevillea and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Vintage Butterfly Cube. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Tev71-1A - Send Sunshine Bouquet - Yellow - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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