Loving Bunch Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora
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A loving bunch, indeed! Show them you care with high-fashion hot pink roses in a bold crimson glass cube that's also a cool candleholder!. This bold bouquet features hot pink roses, pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red matsumoto asters, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash Cube. This bold bouquet features hot pink roses, pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red matsumoto asters, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash Cube. This bold bouquet features hot pink roses, pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red matsumoto asters, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash Cube. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Tev65-6A - Loving Bunch Bouquet - Pink - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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