Flower Delivery by Teleflora, Pink Alstroemeria, Pink Carnations, White Mini Carnations, Dusty Miller & More. Teleflora Whisper Soft Mixed Bouquet
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In the prettiest shade of whisper-soft pink, this breathtaking bouquet proclaims your affection in a most powerful way!. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Clear Glass Ginger Jar. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Clear Glass Ginger Jar. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora Whisper Soft Bouquet - Multi - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

