Multi-Colored | Mixed Bouquets | Color Me Yours Bouquet | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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She is yours, and you are hers. Remind her of that simple fact with this simply sweet mix of colorful flowers that are sure to warm her heart. Red alstroemeria, orange carnations, miniature red carnations, yellow daisies and lavender chrysanthemums are arranged with bupleurum and oregonia - with a pretty yellow ribbon tied around the vase for that extra-special touch. Delivered in a classic ginger vase. Red alstroemeria, orange carnations, miniature red carnations, yellow daisies and lavender chrysanthemums are arranged with bupleurum and oregonia - with a pretty yellow ribbon tied around the vase for that extra-special touch. Delivered in a classic ginger vase. Red alstroemeria, orange carnations, miniature red carnations, yellow daisies and lavender chrysanthemums are arranged with bupleurum and oregonia - with a pretty yellow ribbon tied around the vase for that extra-special touch. Delivered in a classic ginger vase. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Tev31-7A - Color Me Yours Bouquet - Multi - Flower Delivery, Premium Arrangement



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