Multi-Colored | Mixed Bouquets | Bamboo Getaway | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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A little box of tropical sunshine! Bright orange, red and yellow blooms form a magical, modern mosaic inside a chic bamboo container. Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in a unique rectangular bamboo container. It's definitely a departure from the ordinary! Flowers including yellow roses, orange asiatic lilies, miniature red gerberas, orange pin cushion protea plus a dark orange miniature calla lily are mixed with bamboo-like equisetum, galax leaves and rolled ti leaves.Delivered in a brown bamboo container. Flowers including yellow roses, orange asiatic lilies, miniature red gerberas, orange pin cushion protea plus two dark orange miniature calla lilies are mixed with bamboo-like equisetum, galax leaves and rolled ti leaves.Delivered in a brown bamboo container. Orientation: One-Sided. Teleflora P_T85-3A - Bamboo Getaway - Red - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

