Pink | Mixed Bouquets | Pink Reflections Bouquet With Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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With its elegant pink vase and delicate color palette, it's no surprise this arrangement is a Mother's Day favorite! The traditional bouquet pairs the classic elegance of roses with the excitement of lilies for a truly memorable gift, no matter the occasion. Soft pink roses, lilies and alstroemeria combine with lush white stock in a shimmering pink glass vase.A wonderful Mother's Day gift! Soft pink roses, lilies and alstroemeria combine with lush white stock in a shimmering pink glass vase.A wonderful Mother's Day gift! Soft pink roses, lilies and alstroemeria combine with lush white stock in a shimmering pink glass vase.A wonderful Mother's Day gift! Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T52-1A - Pink Reflections Bouquet With Roses - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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